Our reading for Installment number eight was Dutchman. It “was first presented at The Cherry Lane Theatre in g Clay. She calls him out numerous times, and never fails to point out how shallow he is, keep in mind she just met him. She attempts to predict where he is getting of the train, practically guessing all the stops, so she was bound to eventually choose the right one. Once she successfully guesses what stop he was getting of at she tell him why he is getting off there. Clay participates in her game for some time, but as time went on and she kept on putting him down, he had enough. He stuck up for himself and put her in her place, something not many people have done to her though out her life. She wasn’t used to anyone standing up to her, she didn’t know how to handle herself. She threw a tantrum on the train for everyone to see. Started to reprimand Clay more then before, saying anything that popped into her head, no matter how hurtful it was.
I really enjoyed reading this play, which is odd because I usually hate reading plays. But I felt as if this one wasn’t candy coated, they didn’t make thing seem better then they actually are. They way that they spoke to one another was the same way that I would talk to my friends, it felt real. Even though that Lula is thirty she still knew exactly what the “cool” things were to do. And they didn’t try to hide the fact that people have sex and people go to parties, I like that about the play. I don’t like to be sheltered as a reader. Also the reading itself was an easy read for me. It wasn’t short but it flowed well, there wasn’t a point where I was like “when will I be done with this reading already?” It felt like pleasure reading, which I enjoy, and it rarely happens. I liked the segment of the Dutchman that we had to read.